Sunday, June 30, 2019

Headed home

Nice am.  Church at Green Valley.  Church again at Hope Church of Christ for Kane's VBS program. We headed north and Denny dropped me off at Atlantic.  He went home for Voga (2 at rec center) and I stayed in Atlantic for pickle ball (7 outside in the hot weather).  When we both got home most of the flowers were wilted because of the heat.  Of course, we couldn't find the new sprinkler that I had put in a wide place.  BUT we got water on some of the plants.  Later in the evening I helped Freeja pick flowers for her mom.  We are just lovin' sittin' and visitin' on the patio at night.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Chilling in Savannah

Today was Kane's birthday party with 3 first grade classmates.  Denny put a birthday gift bike computer on Kane's bike.  Then it took most of the family to get the new swing on a high branch in the back yard tree.  Needed: Tall ladder, ball with a rope attached, trip to S. to get chain and D rings, pick up backed up to get high enough to adjust swing height.  The boys enjoyed riding bikes, water fights, carpet ball, slip and slide, legos, farm equipment toys, trampoline, ice cream cake, lunch able lunch, and the swing.  Successful party.  This morning on the way to the boundary waters Jack stopped to visit Rose.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Happy Birthday Kane!!!! Headed to Savannah

Kane is 8!!!  What a great grandson he is!!!

Sue and I played pickle ball this morning.   When I got home, I did very little.  Denny started to roundup weeds on the cement pads around CSA, coop, trees, and area in front of barn.  I met Kathy R. at Avoca for lunch.  It was great to visit.  After Denny got done working he drove down to join us. From there we drove to Atlantic, left the pick up, and headed to Savannah.  Haley fixed a great supper of egg burritos and roasted potatoes.  We went to a VBS that Kane attended.  They ended with a water balloon fight and popsicles.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Another day - full and fun!!

AM mix at 5:30.  Met an intern of Mortenson windmills at class.  I headed to Holstein to meet Mandy.   She is going North on Friday and will see Luke and Karen on their way to the boundary waters.  Last week when we cleaned the bunk house I found some baby clothes of Luke.  Mandy is taking them to the Minn Jo's.  What a trip down memory lane.   He was such a fun baby.  I went to photo albums and found some pictures of him in those outfits.  Priceless memories.
I visited Dose Garage sale before heading home.  At home it was rainy, but we went out and weeded.  At 1:45 I headed to study at IG.  I took flowers to Susan S. to sell at the FM at 4.  Lenee needed a corkscrew and so I got it for her at Doses.  I met a nice - new-to-IG- family that homeschools.  Denny mowed the lawn while I was in town.  I just worked on my blog and then planted the bulbs that Jean gave me.   The internet/chromebook are not getting along.



I pray that this Minn. Jo. baby 

will bring much joy to Karen and Luke, too.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Fun day again!!

The night in the chicken coop sofa sleeper went fine.  Gail, Bruce and I went to the rec center to play pickle ball with Sue K.  We stopped at Casey's to get Bruce's fountain diet coke.  Denny fixed breakfast on the grill, but it was raining so we ate in the coop.  After Jean and Hendersons left we took Terri and Dan on an IG tour.  Looked at lots ... not really a big place of excitement, but we sure do appreciate out litlle home town.  We stopped at Old Town and Lenee gave us a tour.  Little lunch at home under the pine tree.  We picked flowers, basil, asparagus and rhubarb before sending Terri and Dan on their way.  So good to have family and friends visit!  Nap time.  Work on blog.  Video at church.  Mow.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Fun Day All Day

I went to AM mix and only stayed in the sauna about 10 minutes.  6 gals came for garden coffee and so I went home to make coffee.  Kim L. Lynn S. Kathy L. Susan S. Julie P. and Denise R. (who I exercised with every morning).  Shirley D. came late.   It had rained until 7 when the gals came.  So pretty!!!   I went to OGT about 9:30 and worked until 11.  I went home to get food ready for supper.  Suddenly Salad and Dole's bag salad.   I went to golf at 1:30 and played with Julie and Carol P.  54, not that great.  Before I home I went to vote on the school bond.  (It passed)  Jean got to our place first, then Hendersons.  The google map took Terri and Dan to our place by way of highway 20.  So good to have Family and Friends spend the night with us.  While we were eating the steaks Denny grilled, I remembered Jane H. and Terri used to work together.  I called Jane and she came out to visit.  Super sweet night.  Gail and Bruce in purple, Jean in computer, Terri and Dan in our room, we slept in the coop.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Jack Day And cupalo moved :)

I went in to bike and abs workout.  Then I headed to Cherokee for a Jack Day.  So much fun.  We were outside for a while.  A crew came to work on radon in the basement.  I made a crock pot meal for Cooks and when Jack was napping I mowed the lawn.   At home Denny had put pork chops into the crock pot.  Denny got out the bobcat to take trash.  Some how I talked him into moving the cupola to the cement by the CSA.   I hope to put trailing vines along the top ring.

Sunday June 23 Pickleball

I went to SS and took some flowers for church.  Then I drove to Atlantic for a pickle ball tourney that Bruce was in charge of.   Gail and I got 2nd out of the four ladies doubles teams.  Luke ran in the Grandma's marathon along the Lake.   I used fabric paint to touch up the pillows and cushions.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Willy Wonda

Up for Devo out on the patio.   I talked to Sue G. and we went to Denison to watch Willie Wonka production.  Plus Jess, Lucy and Rosie.  I got a few groceries and headed home.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Fun day

Water exercise.  Then home and devos. (And naps) I headed to Thistledown got $29 worth of plants.  On the way to SOS to take some donations I texted Mandy (using the voice control.)  She was headed to SOS also on her noon break, so we met in the store and were there together for about 10 minutes.  She had to go back and chart.  I headed home.  I planted some cosmos and decided that the vines I got I would use for Gretchens bridal bouquet.  Hopefully it will work.
When I got home Denny put the top on the smoke stack.  We kept busy all afternoon with fixing up the coop outside area.  While the ladder was up, unbelievably Denny spray painted the cupola a bright blue.  Then we tackled the very uneven 3x3 foot cement pavers in the back.  four of them had sunk when we had hogs in the pen and the waterer was there.  It took a while, but with 2 long steel bars we pried the heavy cement blocks up to put fill dirt under them.  It was work.  At the end it was good enough and Denny used the bobcat to stabilize the cement.  Amazing job to have done.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thank you, Jesus for this day

Early AM mix.   Coffee and devo out on deck.  I don't remember a thing I did this day.  I really need to write sooner on the blog.  It is now a week later.   I didn't go to study because someone was visiting, but I don't remember who.  ???????

I think I went to SC to get my new glasses.  And Denny needed me to get a top for the new smoke pipe he put in the coop.
Friday was the last day for the Grands in N.  I think it has been an excellent years for them.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

So pretty !! Patio furniture.

Up for pickle ball with Sue K.  When I was having my coffee outside I gave Kim a call and she came over for coffee and walk around and look.  So good to visit with her.  She took home some wisteria vines, sunflowers, vanilla, and hyacinth vines.  Denny and I took out the north air conditioner and put the south one in the north cooler room.  He hooked up the Coolbot and IT WORKED!!!   So good.  I went out to weed zinnias from Bruce N.  While I was out there the delivery truck came.  Lots of boxes and pretty furniture.  It was so fun to set it up.  I was as giggly as Shirley!!    We sat and enjoyed the new area.  Then went to mow.  At 6 when our airbnb got home she joined us on the patio.  Afterward I tilled around the flower beds,  Denny cleaned the garage, checked the coolbot temp, cut the hog panel support wires.   What a fun pretty area.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rainy ... no golf again

Up for AM mix.  Then Shige, Lynn (Janessa) and I played pickleball from 7-8.  At home Denny was cleaning the floors, and every thing else.  Bless his heart.  I cleaned refrigerator and got some food ready for supper.  Lynn, Lois, Luann, Shige, Meg, Jenna H., Joel, Josh M. came for supper at 6.  Great visit.  We had pesto and chilled asparagus as Denny grilled.  It was sprinkly, so we ate inside.  We had dessert in the coop.  Lois had made rhubarb dessert and brought ice cream.  It was such a nice night.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Cleaned Bunk house

Bikes, abs and ball workout.  Cleaned bunkhouse at home.  Pickleball with Bill, Lynn N, Lane S. Shige and Joel at 4.  Fun!!! Denny put down 2 cement patio steps for off the deck and patio.  Molly called about ordering roses.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's day

I had a great Father!!!   I am so thankful for him.   THANKS, DAD!!!!!!


Beautiful morning.  Jack was great during SS and church.  When Shige finished his sermon, you could tell by his voice.  Jack knew it and he said, "All done."  The back half of the church laughed.  SO CUTE!!!  While Denny and Jack stayed home and napped, I went to help in the kitchen for Meg N. graduation party.  Nice.  At home Denny had finished cleaning airbnb, We showered and got Jack ready for bed.  Mandy and Jason got back from their trip to Colorado for Nicole's wedding.  I am so thankful that we got to watch Jack.
Thanks to Fathers
My husband, a Great Father!

 Howard Johnson and Maynard Newhouse
Great Fathers!
Our two sons and two son in laws (not pictured :)
Great Fathers!

Thanks most of all to our Father in heaven ...