Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Fun day again!!

The night in the chicken coop sofa sleeper went fine.  Gail, Bruce and I went to the rec center to play pickle ball with Sue K.  We stopped at Casey's to get Bruce's fountain diet coke.  Denny fixed breakfast on the grill, but it was raining so we ate in the coop.  After Jean and Hendersons left we took Terri and Dan on an IG tour.  Looked at lots ... not really a big place of excitement, but we sure do appreciate out litlle home town.  We stopped at Old Town and Lenee gave us a tour.  Little lunch at home under the pine tree.  We picked flowers, basil, asparagus and rhubarb before sending Terri and Dan on their way.  So good to have family and friends visit!  Nap time.  Work on blog.  Video at church.  Mow.

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