Sunday, June 2, 2019

Happy Birthday Gail!!!

Denny got up and fixed his breakfast and was getting ready to head out the door to Savannah by 8:30.  After church and SS I invited BaBa out for lunch.  We sat under the maple tree and ate about the same lunch we had yesterday.  Nice visit.  I had not seen her in like 12 years.  She is back visiting and tending shop for her mom who lives in Holstein.  Nap, then I started to paint the picket fence.  Then prayer time at church where I got a phone call from the Minn Johnsons.  Rose was swimming and Luke was grilling.  She smiled and said,"Jack" when I said that I was going to have a Jack day tomorrow.  Jack was on a video clip riding the strider.  So Cute.  When I got home from church I planted some mums, finished painting the picket fence, painted a little on PW sign, sat out in the hammock for a while, made some Kombucha, took a shower and now I am headed to bed.  Such a fun SUNNY day.  I loved the weather today.

Newly painted picket fence.

Sand in your shoes is a bummer!!

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