Friday, June 21, 2019

Fun day

Water exercise.  Then home and devos. (And naps) I headed to Thistledown got $29 worth of plants.  On the way to SOS to take some donations I texted Mandy (using the voice control.)  She was headed to SOS also on her noon break, so we met in the store and were there together for about 10 minutes.  She had to go back and chart.  I headed home.  I planted some cosmos and decided that the vines I got I would use for Gretchens bridal bouquet.  Hopefully it will work.
When I got home Denny put the top on the smoke stack.  We kept busy all afternoon with fixing up the coop outside area.  While the ladder was up, unbelievably Denny spray painted the cupola a bright blue.  Then we tackled the very uneven 3x3 foot cement pavers in the back.  four of them had sunk when we had hogs in the pen and the waterer was there.  It took a while, but with 2 long steel bars we pried the heavy cement blocks up to put fill dirt under them.  It was work.  At the end it was good enough and Denny used the bobcat to stabilize the cement.  Amazing job to have done.

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