Friday, June 7, 2019

Seems like Saturday ... but nope it's Friday

We had such a nice visit with Missy this am.  Then a nice slow morning with coffee, starting a load of laundry and a load of dishes.  It's beautiful as I sit out here in my hammock and work on this blog.  Lovely day!!!  Denny started to watering his basil and cilantro and the cleaning the airbnb.  We went to IG to get paint and bnb supplies.  Later I mowed the lawn and Denny vacuumed the rugs in the garage.  He was especially happy to learn his motorcycle blow dryer ...BLOWS whirily gigs off the deck and patio.  We chilled and watched the sunset.  Wonderful day!!!   Matt and Mo Jo's had a water fight, Missy got pictures of Anabel's routine and Keelie got a coon.

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