Friday, June 14, 2019

Gotta love Jack days!!

In IG at 5:15 to play pickleball with Sue.  When I got home all was quiet.  Jack didn't stir until 8.  I sat in his room quietly for a while until he got up.  Denny fixed breakfast.  It was sprinkling and so we were inside. Phillip had his phone go over a cliff, so they are in need of another.   Denny called Lisa VK to answer Awana questions from her.  Sounds like Mandy and Jason are having a good time in their old stomping grounds.  Jack and I did go outside while Denny was working on Awana for next year.  After lunch Denny went to mow at Cherry Creek. After naps we had more of the same fun, The 4 wheeler had a flat so we had to help G'pa bring it home.  Jack took a boat ride before supper, shower and books.  Such a fun day!!!!

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