Thursday, June 6, 2019

Friends for supper

I headed to IG for AM Mix.  Then I walked the trail, got a few groceries and headed to Thistledown for their $20- "fill a tray with all you can" sale.  At home they were removing the floor forms and cutting the patio floor to prevent it from cracking in winter.  I planted most of the flowers I had started from seed in the greenhouse sunflowers, morning glory, zinnias.  Later Denny planted basil and cilantro.  I also planted the flowers I bought this am.  At 2-4 I went to study at Ginny's, Then with Susan and Teresa we decorated at the church for Beth's bridal shower.  At home Denny had picked asparagus and started the grill.  Our airbnb'ers are checking out tonight.  They have a reservation for later this summer.  Between now and then we have several weekend reservations.  Well, tonight we didn't quite break in the patio, but we did have Mike and Brenda and John and Mary Kay over for supper.  SUCH a fun visit.  We ate outside, brats,asparagus, sweet corn, spinach salad and raspberry pie from Brenda, and cookies from Sugarhound.  Missy sent me this pic of a top I brought to N. from the States for her in March. 

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