Thursday, June 13, 2019

Start of a four day Jack visit

In to IG for AM mix.  I stayed until Dose opened and got 3 pillows that I hopefully will be able to cover for the patio area.  At home I tried to move laundry thru and grilled pork burgers and asparagus for a quick lunch when Cooks were coming thru on their way to the airport.  It is Nicole C's wedding this weekend and we get to watch Jack.   What a fun day.  Jack fell asleep on the way down here.  When it was 1:30, I put him down and laid in the bed beside his portacrib.  I dosed off and on, I don't know that Jack slept, but he was happy just to rest for an hour and a half.  He'd sit, stand, lie down, and sometimes talk.  When we got up Denny was done fixing the ceiling tile in the yellow room in the basement.  We went out to mow.  Jack rode with G'pa and got a nap amid the bumps.  More playing, it is so fun to watch him play.  Supper, Shower, Book and Bed. What a great day!!!

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