Wednesday, June 5, 2019


It was rainy this am.  I went to AM mix. Then to OGT.  At home Julie called to say she was riding with Darwin to SC, so we would not golf until 5.  I spent the day in the garden weeding.  At 5:30 Julie and I played a best ball with Judy S. Arlene, and Marlene.  We shot a 43.  

These are pictures of Maryann L. taking care of the children from a Monday morning Bible study: Mandy, Jessica S., Nicole H. front right, Billy H. left back, Cody, Ashley G. (with a bottle) Morgan / Meghan T. (the other might be behind Jessica's head.)  Nicole G.(maybe Luke is holding), Judd T.
AND some infant ... maybe Luke G.  What a lady she is!!!
Lord, bless all of these children and their mothers.  May they grow to share God's love like Maryann continues to do. 

In the church nursery Mandy, Maryann, Mary G. and Judd. 

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