Wednesday, June 12, 2019

beautiful day ..

Up for pickleball wtih Sue.  Bless her heart for joining me.  After the sauna I headed home.  Denny and I kept busy all day getting stuff done.  Major stuff!!! Did you know that Denny is the Master Fixer?  His latest achievement was fixing the Dixon lawnmower.  Amazing!  Then he went on to move the cement squares taken from the sidewalk and position them with the precision of a master artist with the bobcat.  AMAZING!!  He put them by the diesel fuel tank.  Looks SO good.  Then he went out to work on the coolbot and determined (he hopes) that it needed a new sensor cord.  He grilled brats and asparagus for our guest airbnb'er Courtney T.  She is planning to be a missionary to the Dominican Rebpulic and is raising support and networking at Mission Central andd Charter Oak tonight.  I touch up painted the PWF sign, planted Teddy sunflowers, picked asparagus, called Breck with the plants that didn't grow, planted moldy glads, cut some of dead branches off the smoke tree, took toys out of bunk house and sprayed them off, fixed the rest of supper and set the table out of the wind.
OH, yes, and Jack is coming tomorrow to spend a couple days when his parents go to Colorado for a wedding.

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