Monday, June 3, 2019

Jack Day


I got up and headed to Bike/ball/ abs workout.  From there I went to Cherokee for a day with Jack.  Fun Day!!  We played lots from bike to shoes to walking in the yard to going to the wood shed, The first time out to the shed he climbed on the mower and said key and pointed to the slot where it went.  The next time we went there he was SO tickled because he located the KEY.  Well, I tried to put it in a safe place where parents could find it, but Jack couldn't mis locate it. I got an order from Denny at Teifentalers for meat.  I was late, but they were there and made the sale ... Just saying we saved $98 ... Not saying how much we spent to save that much.  At home I looked at the place where the patio is going to be.  We chilled and snacked at looked at the place on the north side of the deck.

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