I got flowers for church. Some were left from FM and I added to them. After church I just went to bed with the lap top and put my medical info into a pages document, then I would nap, then I would type, then I would nap. Later in the afternoon we thought about adding a window to the granary cabin. We brainstormed what to do.
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Pat's Celebration of Life
After getting up a little later than usual I finished flowers for Dureen. We headed to Manchester about 6:45am. Our gas was low and when the beep went off we drove into Ft Dodge. Kinda frustrating for Denny. We made it there before the service began at 10:30.. It was really nice. After the service we visited with Jim and Carol N, Val and Keith K. and Dureen's family. We'll get home about 8.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Up and to PB
After not sleeping well I still was up and cleaning up the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher. I took the lisianthus flowers that didn't get chosen at Farmers Market to pickleball. Fun playing. I had selections make a picture of Neppls for the celbration of life for Pat tomorrow. At home Denny was working on the 72. He went to IG in the afternoon to pick up a fuel filter? that came in to IG. I put together a vase of flowers to take to Dureen. We went to Old Town before going to the show Elvis. On the way the train was crossing Orchard, so we took out our forks and ate the salad I took for a picnic supper. It was so pretty up on the hill. We just stayed inside and visited with Eric. The show was good, I may or may not have fallen asleep during part of it.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Farmer's Market
It was another beautiful morning. I spent most of the day getting ready for the farmers market. getting the table out, table cloth, looking for a sign, I picked/deadheaded lisianthus. Denny kept busy with the bush hog mowing under the evergreen trees. At 1 3 gals came for study:Susan, Sharon and Judy. I headed to IG for the farmer's market. It went ok. I had flowers that people could give a donation to King Theater and pick some flowers. I went to Laura's and we auditioned clothes with Amy and Beth. At home Denny fixed fried Green tomatoes. I got up during the night and took some pictures of Pat Neppl and Dureen and fun times that we have had. I didn't sleep well.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Full Day
I didn't sleep well last night. About midnight I went out to CSA and put together a low rectangle greenery flower vase?. Then I took my levothyroxine and slept. The alarm went off early enough for me to get to Brittany's patio prayer. I took 3 vases for Dana and Kathy to audition. Lord, guide their decisions for the fork to table flowers. I went to play pickleball from 7:30 until I went home at 9:30. It was fun! Denny worked on the car. We mowed the lawn and fixed pizza for supper. Chill and watch Lone Star Law.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
This morning I started a month of taking 25 mg of Levothyroxine everyday in the morning for fatigue. I will be taking first thing in the morning before eating food. It is a treatment for hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid. (fatigue) As I type in this info, I have been awake since 3:30 am when I made a trip to RR. Then I lay in bed until 5 when I got up. It is now 6 and I have yawned a lot!! I'm not thrilled with the idea of taking a prescription, but Dr. V did the blood work and it showed a borderline need for this. Lord, grant me wisdom. I did take a short nap before going to play pickleball at 7:30 and volunteer at the OGT at 8:15. When I got home Denny had made the beds in airbnb and we finished cleaning the basement. We finished straightening the house from this weekend and I took a nap. Denny got his trophy this morning, a ground hog that was lingering across the road by the barn. Hurrah!!! #oneshotdenny Denny also sent a request for an offer made with the larger group. He helped me get the airdrop working for this laptop.
Monday, July 25, 2022
Ragbrai off, Ladies' golf, Cherokee supper
Up to get the flowers Alisa and I put together.!! One will go to Pocahontas for Alisa’s mom. I sat in the lawn chair while Alisa's group got ready and hit the road. I drove to Food pride and watched campers at Cobb park before meeting Shirley and Maebelle who gave me a ride to Keenagers. I played the Cherokee course with Jan L. We finished in the money-$8. I had brought the arrangement and a basket of zinnias that I had planned to take to church. Linda G. who fell and her herself playing golf got the arrangement and the 7 small bunches of zinnias were given out to 7 golfers. Jason picked me up at the golf course and then we got the boys. I took the boys to the library and when we got to Cooks G'pa arrived in his pickup. I napped with Tyler while Jack and Denny played. Jan stopped in for a quick visit. Jason had made the lasagne, plus we had sweet corn, salad, and ice cream for dessert. Great time visiting and Great meal. At home I was tired and went to bed about 10. Mandy had wondered what the semi with Lundels picture looked like.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Our Saturday night airbnb guests left about 9am and we had to clean it before the next group came. We got most of it done and Denny headed to church. I was finishing making food for the evening meal and getting airbnb ready and it kept getting later and later and I decided to head into IG with my lawn chair to wait for Alisa. Wonderful morning. I sat at the corner opposite UBI just watching people. There were 4 shuttle busses that distributed people around and so I rode the shuttle bus around one 30 minute loop looking at all the happenings. I met Alisa at 602 4th street where the rest of her group was planting them selves for the night. It was Jenny S. and Ryan E. house (who are Matt and Missy's age). Before we headed out to the farm we drove around IG and looked at ALL the tents and people. WOW!! It seemed like every green space was filled. High school, elementary school, vineyard, Catholic church, City park, Moorehead park. WOW!! Its looked so amazing and organized and fun!!! At home we visited with Alisa and invited the 5 from her group staying in a 5th wheel to join us for supper. Denny grilled brats while they grilled chicken. We had sweet corn, sautéed green beans in garlic butter with sliced almonds, arugala salad, creamy cukes, SO!! GOOD!! Fun to show them around the farm. After supper I started a fire and Alisa and I prayed for Missy and Phillip. SO Good!!! Before heading to bed she and I made a couple of bouquets of flowers, one for her mom and one for door prize for gals golfing on Monday. She went to bed and I waited up for the ragbrai group that had booked the airbnb. Uffda!! They didn't drive in until 11 pm. We were beginning to wonder because we hadn't heard anything; we hoped nothing had happened, or maybe they had decided to stay in town, or maybe they couldn't find our place, hopefully no accident. They finally got here at 11. We knew they were a group of 6-8 couples traveling in a bus. They said they had shut down the Sportsman. There were 15 of them saying they could/would all stay in the airbnb. Really ???? Our contact had booked our place for the 6 ladies saying the guys in their group would sleep in the bus. (The couple of the travelers that we were visiting with said no one ever sleep on the bus over night. Well, maybe there was one place a person could sleep.) We knew they would be wanting showers and Denny had texted them earlier and offered the bunkhouse shower to the guys. Each of the 15 had a tub they carried down to the airbnb. As they went down we were visiting with a couple of the group on the patio and there was a loud noise. One gal fell as she was going up the airbnb stairs. (My first thought was lawsuit.) Uffda!! Luckily, she was ok. Their group was originally from the same town and had been doing Ragbrai every year since 1999. They said that after the first year they never registered with Ragbrai because they don't use any of their services. They said they don't use their campgrounds or sag wagons, or equipment hauling. REALLY???? What about the route that is planned??? or the law enforcement that protects the bikers as they ride??? or the food trucks that travel and provide nourishment ?? or the music that is planned in each town during Ragbrai?? I was not impressed. (But Denny said they left the airbnb clean when they left Monday morning. SO there's that.) (And airbnb did deposit their $89 payment for the reservation for 6 ladies. So there's that. ) Now that's about enough ranting from me. I have pledged myself not to bad mouth any more ... so if you're reading this and have questions, don't ask. My goal is just to say nothing but to acknowledge we had a group here overnight. Uffda!! I finally got to bed about 12:30 am and was up about 5:15 am to get ready to take Alisa to IG so she would be ready by 6 am. to start the next day of biking to Poky. What a fun and amazing day!! We loved having Phillips cousin Alisa here!! I love our small rural town. Hurrah!!! for IG! (Actually one of the guys did sleep in the bus and one of the guys did sleep in the upstairs of the bunkhouse. The rest slept .downstairs .... So there's that.) But the airbnb was clean when they all departed about 9:30 am. Monday morning to head to Pocahontas.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Saturday July 23
We had talked to Phillip about travel to N in December. SO Denny started to look for his passport and Well..... he couldn't find it. Stress!!! I headed into IG to take flowers to the Farmacy, luckily Brian had the ice cream store open. Then I went to Doses and got 2 foot stools and a stool for the bunkhouse. I made a walmart haircut appointment in Storm Lake, so after IG I headed north. I went to Mandy's clinic and we went to Alta Olive Branch. I had to be back in IG by 2 to pick up picture I had ordered. I put the sign up at the PB court. Denny also had me get a fitting for table that he had gotten at Bomgaars earlier. At home I fixed food for Sunday when Alisa would be here.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Happy birthday, Lincoln
Lincoln, you make us smile every time we think of you. May you grow to love God more and more each day.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Weed. All. Day. Long.
I started early. Well, it should have been earlier because it was hot at 10 when I started. I had been trying to put together some info on Denny's grandparents wedding because I am trying to put together a shadow box with her wedding dress. It took WAY to long. I also got sidetracked with some pictures from 1973. Then I worked thru the heat. There were spaghetti grass roots all around. SO many roots, so much grass and weeds. I stopped at 1 and showered before study1:30-3:30. I took a nap. Denny put together a phone holder. Then back out to weed when the sun went down. I put to gather some flowers for Melissa W.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Day 2 Sister fan

Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Sisters Fun!!
Up early and heading to IG around 7 for pickleball. Then home and Denny and I went to Denison. He dropped my off at a quilt store to meet Gail and Jean. He took the Prius Carrol to get the fog light replaced. My sisters and I headed to Carrol to thrift until theArcadia Quilt store opened. Next we headed north to eat Mexican at Lakeview. Funny story Gail had me take a picture outside of the restaurant and she texted it to a friend who might be in LV ... Yes, indeed ,,, 5 minutes later she joined us. Laugh, Laugh, Laugh. Next stop Sac City quilt store. Cute bakery/ antique store next door. Then to Jolley. Tho' Quilt store was not in the town of 37 people, but along highway 20. Last stop was Lake City Quilt store. Actually last stop was Auburn vegetable stand. Naps when we got home. Then we started fixing supper. We had so much food that when our airbnb check in came we invited her to supper. Fun visiting. Early to bed with 5 more quilt stores tomorrow.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Golf in Denison
I was up early, and in to play pickleball around 7:15 so I could head to golf at 8:30. Nancy L. from Wall Lake was my partner. The golfers love the flowers I bring for a door prize every week. We played ok and together shot a 42. Lovely day, weather, pretty course but Oh, So the layout of the course is too mixed up. Before going home I stopped at Bomgaars and got some mums 75% off. At home I napped. Denny had been putting the bush hog on the tractor and mowing. I watered the flower garden in hopes that I would spend some time pulling weeds ... NOPE ... Didn't ... Still terribly weedy. Denny fixed another great salad for supper.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Old Town Shower, movie
After church and SS I lay down for a 15 minute nap then I headed to IG to help Nikki and Rose with the shower for Rachel. It turned out beautiful. Nikki had early gone the extra mile to make this special. Balloon arch, Green backdrop for pictures, special food, and the flowers we put together. So fun. At 3:15 I met Denny at the theater to watch Top Gun. Good movie. I stopped back to get the tablecloths and napkins I brought. Wonderful day!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Flowers with Nikki
Denny was putting together some pictures of our camp ground, so I was going thru my pictures and finding some pictures for him. Nikki texted me to see if I had any flowers. She was having a shower for her sister in law to be (Rachel) and so about 6 she came out and we put some beautiful flowers together for the shower on Sunday. Denny fixed a great salad and we shared our first meal out in the bunk house with her. Nice day!!!
Friday, July 15, 2022
PB in early am
I got up and had devo before heading to IG for PB. There were 6 of us early birds. Kara, Dave, John R. Becky, Brittany, and me. I returned a shower rod to Malcolm and bought some Basil plants. When I got home the airbnb family were still there. Denny was weeding and planting basil in his garden in the afternoon. We picked basil to make pesto. I picked some flowers to put in the cooler. We went to Old Town. It was a beautiful night. Thanks, Susan for the gift certificate.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Early PB Lakeview picnic
I got up and had devo and picked a few flowers before heading into IG for PB. Fun!! , now if only my knee wouldn't hurt. Bummer!! Dr v. stopped at the courts and I asked him quickly about shots for my knee. He said I could go to him or an orthopedic clinic to get them. I went to oMalcoms and returned one shower rod to get another. I stopped by IC clerk and gave Elizabeth some flowers and a princess dress to try on. At home Denny rehung the towel rack, put up the shower curtain AND cut off the lisianthus supports with the bolt cutter. Amazing!!! Thanks so much. I planted the rest of the plants from Becky while Denny made a salad for the Lakeview picnic. Shower, nap and head to picnic about 5:15. It was a beautiful night and LOTS of amazing food.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
The boys
I headed to Rachel's for patio prayer at 5:45 and stayed to 6:30 when I headed north. It was a fun day. Mandy went to work early so she could be back in Cherokee for VBS. We first went to the basement and fished then we played outside. About 11 we headed to town, we went to New Leaf. When I bought 4 plastic bowl,s Jack said he saw them and wanted to show them to me. He said his mom would like some. We got gas and a donut at Casey's Then to the pool park for a picnic lunch. We went swimming when it opened at 12:30. The boys really liked the water. We headed home and boys were down for naps about 1:22. Before I headed home I took the boys to VBS. Mandy was in charge fo the preschoolers. It was so good to get home and visit with Denny he had made an amazing salad for supper.