Monday, July 25, 2022

Ragbrai off, Ladies' golf, Cherokee supper

 Up to get the flowers Alisa and I put together.!!  One will go to Pocahontas for Alisa’s mom.  I sat in the lawn chair while Alisa's group got ready and hit the road.  I drove to Food pride and watched campers at Cobb park before meeting Shirley and Maebelle who gave me a ride to Keenagers.  I played the Cherokee course with Jan L.  We finished in the money-$8.  I had brought the arrangement and a basket of zinnias that I had planned to take to church.  Linda G. who fell and her herself playing golf got the arrangement and the 7 small bunches of zinnias were given out to 7 golfers.  Jason picked me up at the golf course and then we got the boys.  I took the boys to the library and when we got to Cooks G'pa arrived in his pickup. I napped with Tyler while Jack and Denny played.  Jan stopped in for a quick visit.  Jason had made the lasagne, plus we had sweet corn, salad, and ice cream for dessert.  Great time visiting and Great meal.   At home I was tired and went to bed about 10.  Mandy had wondered what the semi with Lundels picture looked like.  


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