Thursday, July 28, 2022

Farmer's Market

It was another beautiful morning.  I spent most of the day getting ready for the farmers market. getting the table out, table cloth,  looking for a sign,  I picked/deadheaded lisianthus.  Denny kept busy with the bush hog mowing under the evergreen trees.  At 1 3 gals came for study:Susan, Sharon and Judy.  I headed to IG for the farmer's market.  It went ok.  I had flowers that people could give a donation to King Theater and pick some flowers.  I went to Laura's and we auditioned clothes with Amy and Beth.  At home Denny fixed fried Green tomatoes.  I got up during the night and took some pictures of Pat Neppl and Dureen and fun times that we have had.  I didn't sleep well.  


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