Saturday, July 9, 2022

Haircut for Denny

 I got up my regular time ... too early for most.  I took out the laptop and started to find pictures/ and jot down ideas for bunkhouse airbnb.  Then I went to to CSA and put together 2 bouquets.  Denny and I left for town about 9.  My knees are really hurting.  I am so Thankful that for many years I have had no pain with them.  They have served me well.   Around 2 we started to mow and the belt came off my mower.  No time to get it going, so I went into the house to work on the blog and nap.  About 6 we headed to Masters for Amelia and Jarreds wedding reception.  It was a beautiful evening.  Pretty Pintresty...


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