Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Full Tuesday

I set my alarm for about 5:20.  Time enough to .... have devo .... put ice in lemonade and water pitchers ....  put tablecloths in coop and picnic tables ....  take paper plates to coop ... make egg salad ... put box of clothes in Prius for OGT ... pick 15 bunches of flowers for OGT people ... head to IG at 6:45 ... realize halfway to IG that the dummy flat tire light was on .... Call Carlyle tires and make appointment for 8 ... (during the rest of the drive to IG "HOPING IT'S NOT TOO FLAT") ... Play pickle ball 7:15-8:00 ... Get a ride to fix tire then to OGT ... volunteer at OGT til 11 ... Bless their hearts, Carlyle delivered the fixed tire (and car) to OGT ... Head home to get water and lemonade and food etc. out ... HIP HURRAH  There were 11 of us for a picnic on a beautiful day.  In my opinion these people are some of the greatest.  

Then NAP TIME   smile   smile   smile   Denny worked on the car in the afternoon.  I planted flowers from Becky when the sun went down.  Nice picture of the walkway Luke is doing in his front yard.  Looks good.  


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