Thursday, July 7, 2022

Car Keys Flowers

  I went outside in the garden to do my DAB long walk.  It ws beautiful.  God is Good!!  Well, this probably was the day I played pickleball with 4 other early risers, Dave, Kara, Becky V and Terry L.  Then a quick trip to Doses and Malcolms.  I picked up some caulking for Denny and dropped them off at home.  Someplace, Some how We are missing 1 set of  Prius car keys.  When I called Motor In  they said it would be $65, so I made an appointment.  Gail met me in Carroll.  Fun couple hours at Thrift stores and not really liking the Nachos we got Mexican,  but the time together was priceless.   The night before a deer had hit their car.  Now that's another bummer!!  More than that when I went to pay the bill it was like $400+.  WHAT???? Oh,they thought i knew that to buy the fob was 200+ then $65 to program the fob ... nope... that was a shock to me.  Uffda!!  Life ....  I had made arrangement with Rachel and Mary Kay to put together flowers for their Sat night reception at 5.  It was raining cats and dogs then, but dry in the CSA.  We got done about 6:15.  Fun time,

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