9/14/09 Missy came up and joined us for coffee before Denny left for work at 7:10. I worked at the unit until 11. Curt came and picked up 2 butcher gilts. I went to Great grannys while Jensens were there. About 11:30 Missy went with them to Grandma Anabel's oncologist appointment. The rest of us met Denny in the Arthur park for lunch. Then I took E&A to Moorehead for a home school field trip to catch and tag Monarch butterflies as they migrate. We took the nets out to the flower area. The butterflies liked the blue flowers. The bees liked the yellow flowers. It was a short trip to Moorehead...not even time for the play lay ground. I told them we would play at Grandma's park after naps. So we went home for naps. Doug S. from Edward Jones came to measure my corn plant, a mere 11 foot 8 inches. The tallest so far for him was one over 13 feet. That person had fed his corn 1 quart of skim milk every week. Good for the dairy situation. Jensens left about 7:15. Gals for Bible study were Sarah, Emily, Danielle, Elizabeth, Stacy, Stephanie, Lynn, an Reeann. To bed for me...Denny called Chuck G. to visit.
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