Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tues Sept 22 120150

9/22/09 Didn't work at rec center this am...in fact I went in and told Matt that I like to work there, but with Denny working at the bank I won't be able to work until after the first of the year when all the sows are gone. I didn't tell him this but it just complicates our lives too much... I don't catch up on the sleep I miss. Denny would tell me to go take a nap so I wouldn't be crabby...now he isn't there...and I get crabby. Not worth it at this stage. Too much information, I know. I subbed in art at the HS this am. Then I went to Arthur and had lunch with Denny. We ate at church. I worked at the unit until 5 when I made BLT sandwiches and took then to church before Financial Peace at 6. Finally home to sit and visit in the sunroom. We printed off our credit rating from Transunion. Now that's a long process! To get a free report you have to sign up for a 30 day free trial...with your credit card. Then we got it and downloaded it on the computer and tried to cancel our account. It took about 4 phone calls. Denny just laughed at me and went to bed. The random "old" pictures are from the repo computer and all the old scanned in photo album pages. No rhyme or reason. I just clicked on a page and cropped to use an old picture. I guess if you consider 23 years ago "old".

1 comment:

  1. so here's the age old question...."who's hand is holding the balloon?" of course, i think it's mine and matt is pretty sure it is his. we may never know!
