Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thur. Sept 3 2520

9/3/09 Up early to clean this am. Boy, I sunburned my lips this weekend at the airshow at Offitt. They are blistered and very sore. Then riding the motorcycle also dried them out. I don't want to do that again. OUCH!! ... very painful... and not very pretty. Denny's mom Anabel has had a sore shoulder so she went yesterday to Sioux City for a bone scan. I went over there for a quick visit before going to the unit this am. It was fun to take Haley and Torren to Great Granny's when they were here.. There were 2 things that they loved...the kittys...and crab apples. SO CUTE!!! (Left click on the picture to see it enlarged.) I met Denny in town for green beans with melted Velveeta cheese for lunch at the city park. Then I went to Sue's for Bible study. At home we ate supper out on the deck. Then sat 2 hours in front of the computer screen trying to get a budget adapted on our Centerpoint accounting software. That's pretty good for a free spirit who only has a 17 minute attention span when it come to finances.

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