Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sun Aug 30

8/30/09 When we got up we walked around Whitney's yard, Denny wanted to look at it in the light. Very nice. We left for home about 8:30 am. It was pretty chilly, but we were dressed warmly. We stopped to eat in Logan, at Becky's Bunk house. It had been a while since Denny has had such a big breakfast. He loved it. Then to IG by 12:00 for the Children's Miracle Network poker run. It was 70 miles...5 stops. Not really a poker game, at the end you just draw a card for each place you stopped. We each got 5 cards...All different...not a good poker hand. Just $ donated to a good cause. Then at 3, Denny was one of 8 drivers that took 8 Awana clubbers (who finished their books last year) to Denison for a DQ trip. After church we went to Bergmans. We needed to replace a spark plug and Mike had the right tool. Alan & Lisa H were there and Alan had made pie. Boy, did we time that right.

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