Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sun Sept 13

9/13/09 The kids did a lot of garden eating while they were here. We picked cucumbers to take to the Sunday potluck along with zucchini. Sunday am we had donuts before SS. E&A sat on our laps very well during prayer time from 7:45-8. I was in the nursery for SS. Evan went to Kim S's class. After church there was a pot luck meal before the quarterly business meeting. Then naps. Denny took kids to Arthur to watch a dirt bike exposition for the youth group "The shed', the town of Arthur, and any one who wanted to watch. It was great. Denny even won the drawing for the dirt pedal bike. He put in 10 tickets. Eventually he sold it back to Curtis L. for $50 Missy AND PHILLIP came to spend the night and get the kids. So good to sit and visit.

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