9/24/09 Happy birthday, Craig! Not that Craig ever looks at this blog, but I still wish him HB. He is in charge of our Newhouse family get together this year. I think it will be in Dubuque again. I will pay for rooms for any of my family that can make it for the weekend. Let me know. The pix are from last year. Craig was getting the autograph of the fiddle player with the band that we went to see. It was traveling by train across the US to Canada. The other pix is of grandpa and Evan having fun at the water park. My day today was very full. I was at the unit by 5 am. Then home to help clean. Then back to the unit bu 7. Curt was selling 50 big sows. I took 2 pigs to Lake City to have the vet post them. Then I met Howard and Anabel in IG at 9. I rode with them to Sioux City where Anabel got her radiation treatment # 4...6 more to go. We ate at Perkins. Then to Arthur to see Denny. The vet called and I went to Lake City to get the medicine. Back to the unit to treat pigs from 2:30- 5:oo. At 5:30 I was in IG to ride motorcycle with Denny and 7 others. We went to Sac City Cattleman's Club to eat. Then I went back to the unit to finish giving medicine to sick little pigs. Now home about 11 and blog time. Full Day. Thank you, Lord for the health I enjoy and the activities you direct me to.
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