Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thurs Sept 17

9/17/09 About 6:45 am I got a phone call wondering if I could sub today in the resource room. I said it would take me 1 hour and 45 min to get there if that was was... so I hustled around, fed the sows, evened up litters and got ready. I was at school at 8:30. WHEW. Pretty good day. I think she works with about 6 different kids during the day. After school I went down town to kill time until the bank's burgers at 5. UBI grills burgers before the Homecoming parade. I parked on main street, visited a few shops, walked to Pamida, ate a burger, went to motorcycle meeting, parade, and home. WHEW Such a full day I didn't even have time to stop and smell the morning glories. Grandma Anabel has beautiful morning glories on a cattle panel in her back yard.

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