Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wed. Sept 30 12335

9/30/09 I went to Howard and Anabel's for a quick cup of coffee this am. Then I worked at the unit. After the unit I used the bobcat again and drug a couple of heavy gates from behind a shed to across the road. I'm missing my sisters who are on a fall color cruise in the new England states and Canada. NANCY, GAIL, and JEAN...Hope you are having a great time. Bring me something. :) I started to strip the spool bed that was in Mom's house. I really don't know how to do it. And Gail the expert is not with in reach. So I may stop. I brushed on some stripper that I had around here. Then I used steel wool and denatured alcohol and rubbed it. I think I'm missing a step. There are not many flat surfaces to scrape off. Just many many spools to try and get off varnish. Oh well, I tried. Awana tonight. After almost everyone had left Sarah Ward noticed that she had a flat tire on the car she was borrowing. Denny changed it in his "bank" jeans. Keep her in your prayers... and I guess all of us. Stress is very real in all of our lives. It puts our faith to the we really trust God?

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