Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wed Sept 23

9/23/09 Home school field trip to the Battle Creek Museum. It is closing it's doors. What an amazing place that is. I'vve only been there twice... but oh the cool stuff it has. Then back to the unit to finish processing pigs. Still a lot of sick ones. I worked til 5:30 then to prayer time with Lois S. at 6. It is so good to meet with her before Awana starts and pray for the night. It has been a real joy for me to have some one come early and pray. Then I'm down to lead activities (dodge ball for 7 minutes and duck duck goose for 7 minutes). Then Awana starts at 6:30. Of course, I din't have Anabel here this Wed. but I sure liked it when I did have her help with game time. I took Logan home afterwards. Then Denny and I finally got to visit.

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