It almost made Howard cry when Mandy told him that Karen had 5 yellow roses in her bouquet for the wedding to honor the grandparents that were no longer with us. There was a table set up with wedding pictures of parents, grandparents and siblings. Very nice. Now for my Saturday: Worked on To Kill a Mockingbird in bed. About 9 I headed to nail lady Mandy. We worked on Gelish. Passion Pink. New color and idea for me, Don't think it quite fits my profile. I won't be surprised if it chips and flakes off soon. So nice to spend time at the country condo. Quick Hi to Howard. Then home to finish To Kill and reconcile my check book. Mandy texted and I got up from the picnic table in the front yard ... the 6 papers I had with the bank history flew across the front yard. Man, did I have to hurry to get the papers. The wind was really blowing. LOL It had been great doing that mundane job out in the warm weather. Denny went to Holstein for Republican County convention. Mandy asked it I wanted to come over and repot some plants. When I got there she had me clean out a freezer that she found unplugged last week. She plugged it in and the food was frozen as I put it in garbage bags for the dumpster. We took her car home and Denny started the super Norwex car wash on the car. I sat outside and typed blogs into this site. I have been really behind. Now I need to put pictures with the typed in blogs. I grilled great Bagenstos brats too long. They were good, but very well done. We 3 ate brats, salad and broccoli for supper then watched the DVD Jensens watched last night, Hugo.n
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