Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday March 20

First day of spring. Mandy said my light blue plaid flannel shirt and yellow t shirt looked "springy". Went to Howard's in the am. Another day of IA testing. Visited with one of my students who failed 4 classes last quarter. He said he was doing fine...getting his work turned in...I am so reassured. Nice to know he is doing fine. (Ya right). One of my IEP students is expecting. One of my former IEP students moved to Cherokee; I heard his mom lost her job in IG so they moved there. Denny fixed the potato sausage for supper with rice and spinach. Phillip went to a meeting so M&M came down with kiddos and visited. Denny tried to get computer back up and running. This is not going to be an easy fix. He doesn't know if info from our accounting is retrievable. Oh my, could be a headache.

We used the room off the kitchen for the "shoe game" after the wedding. Carol read a question like,"Who will be the first up in the morning?" Karen and Luke each had a sign they would raise telling who they thought would do the task. Pretty cute, lots of laughs. This room also was a good place for Gpa and Luke to chill before the 5 pm wedding.

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