Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday March 27

Stopped over at Howard's before school. He is planning to get the roofs on the farm buildings repaired. Great!!! Man and How are headed to SC today. I was at school for a while then I headed to Lutheran church where home schoolers and Missy were taking Ia. Assessments. Otherwise regular day. After school I stayed in town and worked on an IEP. Denny rode in with Howard and Mandy to go to REC banquet. Looks like a 13% cost raise starting in July. ouch! It was a great meal and I really enjoyed the vocal numbers by the high schoolers for entertainment. Going home at 8:30 ... the time I usually go to bed. The pictures are from the walk to the beach. It was great to be about 1 1/2 blocks from the beach. One morning we took the grands and fed the birds. They came swooping down, we only gave them the Ohh's that had fallen on the beach. Kids loved to play in the sand and water. We loved it, too.

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