Sunday, September 30, 2012

Denny went on first Motorcycle ride since surgury

I putsed around before SS. Took out garbage, loaded the dishwasher, folded clean clothes, etc. Then I went to HS Sunday school class. Alan does a good job teaching. HOme after church and Denny headed to Bergmans to ride to Mondamin with the group. It should be a beautiful day.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Awana conference

Left at 6 to pick up Kara and head to Johnston for the Awana conference. It was a good day. We got home about 6:30 so it was a long day. I went to sun room to read through career stuff, but I don't really have a plan. Pictures are from family together for the funeral.

Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Friday Mr. Hedden say 28 Fridays left

Went to school about 7:15. After school I shared cheesecake with resource staff in foods room. It was enjoyed! We fixed french toast and sausage for Ind. Living. I finished an IEP after school and when I got home no one was there. I had just planned to do some work for the class I am taking anyway. Missy and kids went to St. Joseph. Phillip went to Minneapolis. Denny found a new home for Princess and delivered her to Battle Creek. I worked on assignment until 11:30, submitted it and headed to bed. Pictures are "cheese cake with the resource ladies" and pictures from visitation and funeral.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Denny and I go to Dr. appointment in Omaha

We left about 7:30 and met Gail at Avoca exit. She is taking 2 plants and 3 canvas pictures to Mandy when they head to Denver tomorrow. Got invitation to Nancy and Steve's wedding yesterday. It should be fun on December 1. We got to the Dr. office at just the right time and didn't have to wait long. Denny's x rays looked great. The doctor said it looks like one solid bone, just like it is suppose to. We had thought we could just get a shoe and be walking out the door, but no... we got a prescription for orthopedics and a ankle brace. Denny made an appointment with Cherokee podiatrist to get fitted and then shoes will have to be ordered. It's a process. We stopped at Trader Joes. We ate at Cheese cake factory. YUM! I got a cheese cake to take to resource room gals. Hopefully, it will make their Homecoming Friday. Quite often we need a lift. Nothing better than cheese cake and chocolate. Quick stop at Wal Mart. Home by 5. Denny started to look at and now is unloading the pick up before he heads over to the folks to go through stuff. Pictures from the night of visitation. Grands, grands and spouses, grands and families, All of us.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Awana tonight

At school about 7:35. Nothing much to report about my day. Careers class had Justin George visit and we interviewed him about his job. I headed to Arthur after filling with gas. Awana was a good turn out. After Awana I visited with Missy a little. She had stopped to see Katie this afternoon. I'm finding it difficult to get together with the next IEP student. He works EBCE in afternoon and usually isn't back for success. He has a first hour study hall. I may need to skip World History and do an interview then. Pictures from the day of Dad's funeral. Love our kids and Grands.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Siblings get together

I left for school about7:20. After Laura asked for the boot for Bethany, and after I found out the Prius' battery was dead, and after I found my school keys on the Jeeps. key chain. First IEP of the year at 8 am. Then catch up with classes. We folded towels in ind liv. one guy thought that was really unnecessary. Dr. Toben came for an interview in careers class. Kinda sad 2 students of the five were gone. I asked Justin and Shaun to come in. Denny met with siblings and lawyer today. Then went to the house to move some of the stuff out. Lots going on. Pictures of siblings families.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dad's funeral

I slept pretty well , but I was up til midnight. We fixed Kim's egg casserole. Wee got to the church about 9:. The funeral was a 10:30. Jay did a great job. Both the girls read. Karen played Blessed Assurance. The cemetery was windy and cold. Hyvee served mashed potatoes, gravy, roast beef green bean casserole, and brownies. About 85-100 were there. So many nice folks to visit with. At home we divided the food into four groups. Matt and Becky took Mandy to airport about 4. Missy fixed food for the siblings after they got done writing thank you's. I worked a little on school. Long day.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Email to Family... I tried to send it by myself

Dear family, I have not taken the time to send an email to you about Howard’s death. Denny’s dad died on Thursday September 20 in the morning. He had been getting weaker and weaker after experiencing a heart attack on Sunday August 19th. He went into the hospital on Monday, August 20th and stayed for a week. When he came home, he spent most of his time in bed. Mandy cared for him pretty much 24/7. Prior to the heart attack on the 19th, he was getting along well. Mandy’s job contacted her to begin to work again in Denver… same job… no loss of seniority. After Dad’s heart attack on the 19th, she decided to stay in Iowa another month and help G’pa. She reset her job starting in Denver until October 1st. She needed to take tests to continue her employment. As she prepared to move back to Denver we arranged 24 hour care for Dad. We thought about putting him in a nursing home, but we found in home care. He died peacefully on Thursday am. Linda, his daughter, was with him and she was talking to Diane, his other daughter, on the phone. Mandy had arrived in Denver and passed the tests she needed to take to restart her job. She is flying back on today for the funeral on Monday at 10:30 in Kiron, Iowa. Matt, Luke and families came to the farm on Friday. Thank you for your prayers as we go through this difficult time of life. Our family means so much to us. Please know that … and take care of yourselves. Each of you are special to us. We have so many great memories of times spent with family. The memories help to ease the pain, and the new memories make life sweet. Thanks for your love, Faith and family We had cereal for breakfast. Torren told me that when he saw the light coming in through the crack in the wall he knows he can get up. Pictures I took the Grands for donuts. We ate at Sparky's. We cleaned the car after church. Visitation was from 3-5. Lots of very kind people came to share their memories. Henderson s and Schrums came.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday with family

Slept in until 7. That's late for me. Grands were up while I had my devotions. I broiled 4 pounds of bacon. Denny fixed cheesy eggs. and he said he made a mistake on one batch and put in too much cheese. There are traced of animals. Not good. Lunch was pulled pork and watermelon and veggies. Deb F. brought lunch. Denny and siblings met at the folk's home. Denny and I went to the wedding. After the wedding we had burgers, veggie packs, sweet potato fries, and strawberry pie from Susan G. YUM!! Pete and Carol joined us. Phillip and Matt got the Griffon football game on the wall of the living room. Pictures The kids were playing outside. First dress up ... and then Anabel and Haley crossed the creek on a log. I was watching them... and when they got to the other side... there were burrs. Lots of burrs that got in their hair and on their clothes. Uffta!! Luckily we got them out with out having to shave their heads. Now that would have been cute at the funeral.

Friday, September 21, 2012

No one to visit before school

Hard to imagine... first school day in 2-3 years when I won't be going to visit the folks before school. What a vacuum their being gone has left in our lives...what a abundance of living they have put into our lives that will remain forever. Howard and Anabel, you will be missed forever...Howard and Anabel, you will be with us forever. Words can not express the sadness... Words can not express the gratitude. A very hard part of life. At school one of aides was gone for the first time. It is an adjustment for one on one students when their regular staff is gone. We fixed spaghetti, salad and cake in a cup for independent living. I told a student he has me for the whole quarter. 2 of the five were gone for careers, so we studied following directions and played the game of Racko. Shari met with me on Iowa core. I stopped at dad's before heading home. Linda, Diane and Denny were there. Matt,Becky, and kids were at the farm from St. Joseph. I had gotten Pizza Hut and we ate it in the CSA barn. Denny headed to Arthur to do the sound for Brittany and Mark's wedding. Mandy called and said she passed her tests. Luke and Karen got in about 11. We went to bed at 10:30 Pictures Family pictures All of us eating breakfast, Haley reading to cousins, and playing school and cute Kane

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Howard met Anabel in heaven today.

When I got over to Dad's today, he was lovingly being cared for by Sammi and Linda. They were repositioning him and putting pillows under his arms. He is loved. I got the call at school from Missy that he had taken his last breath. What a special man he was. He gave us a great legacy. Full day. 2 students failed the World geography test. One student wants a different teacher. Need to make sub plans. Decided to teach tomorrow. Jean called. Stayed at school until after 6. I would have failed the geography test,too. At home Jensens are practicing piano. G'pa is with talking Brooks. Thank you Lord, for Howard's life.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Observer to school, Mandy to Denver

Up at 4:30 to go over class stuff. I texted Mandy, she was up and ready to go when I stopped. She and Sammi were changing Howard's position in bed. When he was set, we were set. Mandy headed out to go to Denver, I headed out to go to school. At school three of my students were out with a cough. Oh, dear. (Never say I never gave you anything :( ) My observer from Morningside came about 9. She observed my independent living class and thought I did okay. With students gone I joined her for lunch at Family Table. She headed to Schleswig about 11:45. Man, am I glad I was not taking that Geography class test. It looked so hard to me. My students didn't think they needed it read to them, so I didn't do it. Sometimes it is hard to watch students make wrong choices. Shari from AEA met with me and talked about curriculum. There is so much I need to know. I am just thankful that she is willing to hold me accountable. I picked up Subs and Stangls and we headed to Awana. After Awana I stopped to say Hi to Howard. Pictures Mandy and Jensen kids

Tuesday September 18

In the morning, Howard was up in chair, not strong enough to get to the bed, yet he wanted to stand because he was restless. At school there was a world history test. One student didn't take his meds so at first was sleepy. World geography test and Spa test tomorrow that one student refused to study for. Possble use of foods lab for interview with the doctor on Friday. Tried to redo video, Mr. W was not in school, the camera stopped.(later I found out the memory stick needed to be changed) So that didn't work. Tomorrow is visit from observer. Set up room for class direct demonstration. Stopped at Howard's. Casey was there. Hospital bed came for Howard. Have home care through Saturday at 7 pm. Supper with Jensens and Mandy at 6. YUM!! Brats, CSA veggies and sweet potato fries. Helped wash Mandy's car. Chilled in room where Denny was getting a treatment with Mandy, Missy and Phillip. So great!! What a great 9 months with both daughters nearby. I am so blessed. Pictures from a wonderful time with family and Mandy who heads to Denver tomorrow.

Monday September 17

Didn't sleep well, Denny was at Howard's. I am concerned about classes. Stopped over at Dad's. Denny said he had been up every half hour from 2-6. Howard was restless and went from chair to bed to chair to bed with out a stitch. Day at school went okay. My cold persists, but I can talk. One career student went home sick. The day went well, We interviewed Kevin W. I worked until 6 at school. Then took subs to Odebolt. The plan was to put Howard in nursing home, but we got support with 24 hour care from two girls on a mission. Linda was here and they decided if they could get in home care, he would remain at home. Mandy was home with Howard tonight.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

$.25 turns into $5

I got up and watched dvd's for the class I am taking. We met Mandy took Mandy and Jason to Mike's Cafe for breakfast. The conversation is very slow when I have no voice. Mandy wanted to take a chance on winning $ and so I gave her a quarter for the gum ball machine...Wonder of all wonders. She won $5. We took a different way home. Pictures of the lucky $.25, Mandy, Jason and us, Donna and her sisters