Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Observer to school, Mandy to Denver

Up at 4:30 to go over class stuff. I texted Mandy, she was up and ready to go when I stopped. She and Sammi were changing Howard's position in bed. When he was set, we were set. Mandy headed out to go to Denver, I headed out to go to school. At school three of my students were out with a cough. Oh, dear. (Never say I never gave you anything :( ) My observer from Morningside came about 9. She observed my independent living class and thought I did okay. With students gone I joined her for lunch at Family Table. She headed to Schleswig about 11:45. Man, am I glad I was not taking that Geography class test. It looked so hard to me. My students didn't think they needed it read to them, so I didn't do it. Sometimes it is hard to watch students make wrong choices. Shari from AEA met with me and talked about curriculum. There is so much I need to know. I am just thankful that she is willing to hold me accountable. I picked up Subs and Stangls and we headed to Awana. After Awana I stopped to say Hi to Howard. Pictures Mandy and Jensen kids

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