Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday September 18

In the morning, Howard was up in chair, not strong enough to get to the bed, yet he wanted to stand because he was restless. At school there was a world history test. One student didn't take his meds so at first was sleepy. World geography test and Spa test tomorrow that one student refused to study for. Possble use of foods lab for interview with the doctor on Friday. Tried to redo video, Mr. W was not in school, the camera stopped.(later I found out the memory stick needed to be changed) So that didn't work. Tomorrow is visit from observer. Set up room for class direct demonstration. Stopped at Howard's. Casey was there. Hospital bed came for Howard. Have home care through Saturday at 7 pm. Supper with Jensens and Mandy at 6. YUM!! Brats, CSA veggies and sweet potato fries. Helped wash Mandy's car. Chilled in room where Denny was getting a treatment with Mandy, Missy and Phillip. So great!! What a great 9 months with both daughters nearby. I am so blessed. Pictures from a wonderful time with family and Mandy who heads to Denver tomorrow.

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