Friday, September 7, 2012

Uffta Friday

Stopped at Howard's. He was lying on the sofa. He had taken a shower and his evening pills. Uffta. He had realized his mistake. Mandy was with me as we gave him his am pills. On the way to work I filled the car with gas. One student did come to school, but only finished half a test, then later in the day decided he wanted to go home. I just don't know how this will all work out. We planned for food lab in Ind living. Carlie and I went to Food Pride. I visited with Mr. Miller about my careers class. I stopped at Arthur bank and went to Howard's with Denny about 6. They had asked us over for hamburgers. Dad sat with us to eat. When I got home there was an email seeing if afternoon visitation for internship would be okay. Uffta I was really thinking morning would work out great. I picked flowers for Grace's shower tomorrow and picked up some CSA produce. We watched a movie before going to sleep about 11. Pictures are from a group I put together and was maybe going to use in 2008 blog. Kinda of a random group...but such nice pictures.

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