Friday, September 14, 2012


I gave Howard his morning meds at 7:15. That's a first for me. Mandy and Denny met with Odebolt Care at 10. I looked pretty good. I have a really bad cold. I probably should have stayed home, but went to school anyway. Food lab fixed the meat for tacos. Met with student during success and talked about his IEP. Worked on it after school. Several emails about Careers class. Home school - 2 moms came to see me at school and rest of home schoolers had a old fashioned school day at Moorehead school house. I stayed at school until 6:30. Didn't get much done. Then to Howards. Denny fixed new potatoes and I fried some hamburgers. Too bad I could not taste a thing. Mandy left today to see McKenzie and then to head to the Minneapolis airport to get Jason. I guess in Storm Lake some one rear ended her. Denny gave Howard's night meds to him. He didn't want anything to eat.

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