Sunday, September 23, 2012

Email to Family... I tried to send it by myself

Dear family, I have not taken the time to send an email to you about Howard’s death. Denny’s dad died on Thursday September 20 in the morning. He had been getting weaker and weaker after experiencing a heart attack on Sunday August 19th. He went into the hospital on Monday, August 20th and stayed for a week. When he came home, he spent most of his time in bed. Mandy cared for him pretty much 24/7. Prior to the heart attack on the 19th, he was getting along well. Mandy’s job contacted her to begin to work again in Denver… same job… no loss of seniority. After Dad’s heart attack on the 19th, she decided to stay in Iowa another month and help G’pa. She reset her job starting in Denver until October 1st. She needed to take tests to continue her employment. As she prepared to move back to Denver we arranged 24 hour care for Dad. We thought about putting him in a nursing home, but we found in home care. He died peacefully on Thursday am. Linda, his daughter, was with him and she was talking to Diane, his other daughter, on the phone. Mandy had arrived in Denver and passed the tests she needed to take to restart her job. She is flying back on today for the funeral on Monday at 10:30 in Kiron, Iowa. Matt, Luke and families came to the farm on Friday. Thank you for your prayers as we go through this difficult time of life. Our family means so much to us. Please know that … and take care of yourselves. Each of you are special to us. We have so many great memories of times spent with family. The memories help to ease the pain, and the new memories make life sweet. Thanks for your love, Faith and family We had cereal for breakfast. Torren told me that when he saw the light coming in through the crack in the wall he knows he can get up. Pictures I took the Grands for donuts. We ate at Sparky's. We cleaned the car after church. Visitation was from 3-5. Lots of very kind people came to share their memories. Henderson s and Schrums came.

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