Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday with family

Slept in until 7. That's late for me. Grands were up while I had my devotions. I broiled 4 pounds of bacon. Denny fixed cheesy eggs. and he said he made a mistake on one batch and put in too much cheese. There are traced of animals. Not good. Lunch was pulled pork and watermelon and veggies. Deb F. brought lunch. Denny and siblings met at the folk's home. Denny and I went to the wedding. After the wedding we had burgers, veggie packs, sweet potato fries, and strawberry pie from Susan G. YUM!! Pete and Carol joined us. Phillip and Matt got the Griffon football game on the wall of the living room. Pictures The kids were playing outside. First dress up ... and then Anabel and Haley crossed the creek on a log. I was watching them... and when they got to the other side... there were burrs. Lots of burrs that got in their hair and on their clothes. Uffta!! Luckily we got them out with out having to shave their heads. Now that would have been cute at the funeral.

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