Saturday, September 1, 2012

August 29 Wednesday Awana training

Matt is a delegate to the National Republican Convention. Pretty cool. Wednesday Up early. Fixed bacon for Connie and Jerry. Plus bagels and she brought melon. I headed to Dad’s about 7. He had a terrible night last night and I am afraid I woke him up. I feel so bad. I stopped at the church and put the cavatinni on the stove to thaw. I made lemonade and set up the serving table. At school there was a meeting with the Howard Center in Sac City. One student came back from a trip to the races. I had not expected him until tomorrow, so the 2 gals with him in Independent living Class finished their hygiene classes and shaved their legs, and he did the food lab that he missed last Friday and fixed BLTs. How about being flexible? Uffta!! I got a few groceries and then went to church. I studied for geography class for about 30 minutes then put the cavatinni in the oven. The meals started at 6. Great turnout and great videos to watch. I headed home about 9 and stopped and Howard’s. Mandy had just gotten home from a grocery run. Howard wasn’t strong enough to open the pill containers so she got another pill container to try. At home Denny’s foot was REALLY swollen. He just put it up and fell a sleep in the chair until about 1 am. Picture of Matt in Florida http:/

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