Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Health care gals come and talk

Was in bed until 6:30. That's a long time. When I went to Dad's Mandy was on the sofa and said that Howard had a good night. That' s good news. He had taken 2 of the Hydro before gong to bed. It was new from the doctor yesterday. At school, one student had failed a Am history test. He was absent yesterday and so he also had a worksheet to make up. Another student didn't want to read. Make that two other students did not want to read. I finished the geography assignment with help from a student. We did a world History quiz. I found out that another student is coming to my independent living class with an aide. Not a good class 8th hour. AFter school I talked to Donna. It really helped. I got pizza for Denny and Mandy as they talk to health care workers and came home and ate mine. Visited with Missy a little. Now to do class work.

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