Thursday, September 27, 2012

Denny and I go to Dr. appointment in Omaha

We left about 7:30 and met Gail at Avoca exit. She is taking 2 plants and 3 canvas pictures to Mandy when they head to Denver tomorrow. Got invitation to Nancy and Steve's wedding yesterday. It should be fun on December 1. We got to the Dr. office at just the right time and didn't have to wait long. Denny's x rays looked great. The doctor said it looks like one solid bone, just like it is suppose to. We had thought we could just get a shoe and be walking out the door, but no... we got a prescription for orthopedics and a ankle brace. Denny made an appointment with Cherokee podiatrist to get fitted and then shoes will have to be ordered. It's a process. We stopped at Trader Joes. We ate at Cheese cake factory. YUM! I got a cheese cake to take to resource room gals. Hopefully, it will make their Homecoming Friday. Quite often we need a lift. Nothing better than cheese cake and chocolate. Quick stop at Wal Mart. Home by 5. Denny started to look at and now is unloading the pick up before he heads over to the folks to go through stuff. Pictures from the night of visitation. Grands, grands and spouses, grands and families, All of us.

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