Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last day of 2014

Up at 6.  Nancy got up earlier.  It started at 66 degrees this am.  Then rain and temperature lowering.  Played  board game Joker with the 6 of us.  Then Bruce went to the gym.  Keith wanted to golf.  I rode in the cart with him.  He was driving and we got lost and went from 4 to about hole 12.  After a hole we figured out mistake and got on the correct hole.  I was glad I took a quilt to wrap up in.  Nap when we got home.  Then to play chicken at Hendersons.  Kathy brought strawberry shortcake and ice creaam.  We ate supper at C&C wings with 2 for 1.  60 chicken wings.  Really good.  Newhouses and Hendersons are going to the dance.  I think I will just chill here.   Mileage 01/01/2015
Jeep 130104
Prius 195848
Pickup 136875
Hd 52402. 
 Pictures from Dubuque: 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

On the way to Brownsville

It was different to set the alarm to get up at 5:45.  On the road by 6:30.  To the Kansas city airport by 7:30.  Starbuck coffee with Matt.  As he left to go to his car, he saw that the line at American Airlines was really long, so it was good to get there early.  It is more fun to wait and have Starbucks coffee, than wait in line at the airlines check in counter.  :)  I had a loong layover in Dallas.  Finally we left for Brownsville at about 5.  Keith and Gail were there to get me at the airport.  Nancy had my favorites when we got there.  Glacamole, fresh pineapple, pretty blue glasses drink.  I toured Gail and Bruces new place and we sat outside by the resaca.  I'm ready to go to bed.  We got an email from Donna that Jeff had a stroke on Christmas morning.  He spent time at Mercy and was kept overnight.  But came home on Sunday and went to work on Monday.  Sounds like a miracle.  It could have been so much worse.  We never know what a day may bring.  Lord, continue to heal Jeff and bring him back to good health. Nice to be in Texas.

Monday, December 29, 2014

A day with Missouri Johnsons mojo

In bed until 7.  Kane is looking forward to putting together the tool bench.  He asks his dad about putting it together every 5 minutes.  I read a couple of chapters of Boxcar Children to Torren.  I went out and walked with Becky and Haley as they walked the horses.  About 1 we went to Savannah to fix the door on the van.  Then to eat at Chili's in St Joe. and to Best Buy to get a cover for my phone.  At home we took naps.  Becky fixed tator tot casserole for us and Matt and Becky went to town.  We watched Heart Land.  Nice night.  Denny went to see Dr. Veltri about his sore knee.  He got a prescription for pretisone and will try physical therapy before getting an MRI in a couple weeks.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another fun day

We had eggnog, fruit slush, and cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  Then we headed to Jensen's to get cousins and go for donuts.  AND hot cocoa at Sparkies.  I let them off at Sunday school and went home.  Phillip was preaching in Kiron.  Everyone sat up in the balcony for church.  When they got home, we had ham, party potatoes, green bean casserole, corn on the cob and Christmas cookies, apple goodie for dessert.   Everyone left about 2.   I rode to Savannah with Mo Jo's.  We got there about 6.  Luke stopped at Jensens to see Brooks go on the zip line that he put up yesterday.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Johnson Christmas gift exchange

Up before 7 and reading one a day while Haley reads I am Malaya.  Johnsons up for breakfast... first family up to get up.  We had cereal for the early risers.  At 7, all were around.  Then about 8 we sand songs around the Christmas tree and Denny read the Christmas story from Luke.  Lots of presents to open.  The kids gave me the weekend of July 24-26 as a date when we all can camp in Lakeview.  Just what I asked for.  And that is a hard commitment to make.  So it was a great gift for me.  Pictures of Zuppa in the coop and the tool bench that Kane got from Luke's and Cooks.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Kids home today!!

I was up early and off the Mary A.'s to get my hair cut.  Then I headed to Storm Lake to see Sa and get my nails done.  Mo Johnsons got to the farm about 11:30.  We went to eat at the chalet about 12:30.  Cooks came there.  Cavtini and Parmesan bread.  Then I laid down for a nap with Brooks.  Fell as I was decending the upper bunk.   Just embarrassed not hurt.  We watched the lego movie.  Denny came home from work about 5.  I had started to heat the coop and the zuup.  Luke and Karen came then, too.  We ate out in the coop.  It was really comfortable and cozy out there.  Lots of laughs.  When kids went to bed we talked in the sunroom.  Some had brought give away treasures that Luke figured out a game with.  Deal out a deck of cards ... that is the money you have to bid at the auction with.  We laughed lots.  Such fun with family.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014 !! Thank you, Jesus!!

Nice slow morning.  I made coffee and sausage for Denny for breakfast.  He opened up packages of 2 pairs of pants and 3 pillows for the sun room.  He started kerosene heated in coop and we ate supper out there.  baked potatoe, prime rib and cheesey green beans.  Denny cleaned and I finished up Anabel's zipper Isabelle look alike outfit.  About 10 we went to Jensens and gave them the little lit white church that Anabel always had on the bookshelf room divider in the living room.  It just seems to fit there.  Jensens went to Rohlf.  When they got back Missy stopped to get 3 folding chairs and to say thank you for Grandma's church.  She said when she decorated she commented to Phillip that the church was missing from that spot.  Beautiful, Thankful day!!!  Thank you Jesus!!  Pictures from the day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve services

We were up early.  I gave Denny a ride to work and then headed to school.  I just putsed around from 8-2. Lorraine came in about 11 and we finalized grades, and looked at classes for next semester.  It was a long time to be at school.  Then I went to the grocery store.  Sure enough, I left my keys locked in the jeep.  I had to call Denny to bring the other set of keys to town.  We headed home. Missy texted us with an invitation to supper there before the candlelight church service in Arthur.  We ate spaghetti pie and sliced apples and oranges.  We were a little later getting to church and all the candle holders were gone.  I rigged up some with bulletins and the service was really nice. First time to a short service. Nice to see church family.

Pictures of Jensen's gifts:

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Head into school at 4 .... nope

Denny was up early. He left for work about 7:15. I started to make cinnamon rolls. I remade a sweatshirt today and worked on three squares. I spilled a 3/4 full jar of yeast on the floor. At 3:30 I started in to town to meet with Lorraine, but the Prius slipped and sluuped up the hill. I turned around and came back to take the pickuip. I opened the machine shed door and tried to get the truck started, but it wouldn't turn over. I had to call Lorraine and tell her I couldn't make it. Missy was headed to IG and said the roads were nasty. I ordered pizza and Missy picked it up and brought it home. Denny was with a customer until 7ish. We watched a couple episodes of Heartland. Pictures from wedding photographer: Reception

Monday, December 22, 2014

Appointment in Carroll

Denny was up early ... and out the door a little after 7.  He didn't come home until 8:45.  He had a planning and zoning meeting in IG at 7 pm, so he stayed and worked at the bank until 7.  He said he has 6 loan closings tomorrow and so there is lots to do.  Around 8 am I stopped at Jensen's and Laurie and I visited for about 30 minutes, then off to Carroll I went.  First time driving.  I was plenty tired when I got home.  Lots of good stuff done.  I found a green Christmas gift to exchange for the pink gift they sent by mistake.  Penney's exchanged Evan's coat.  The zipper had lost teeth, again and wouldn't zip.  Hopefully the third time is a charm.  I found some dress up stuff at a thrift store.  I took a call while I was in Walmart and got a student's credits figured out.  That's a praise.  So glad.  It looks like it is do-able, if the student can work at a job for 90 hours and get one credit through TAP and takes and passes 8 classes.  You go !!! Student !!! I think you can do it!!
When I got home I started to do some sewing.  Plus make cinnamon rolls and wrap presents.   Missy worked at school late.  Laurie came and got the kids at 3:30.  They came over after supper and took showers.  Missy and I went to bunk house to find a couple of frames. Pictures from wedding photographer: Reception

Sunday, December 21, 2014

40 degrees warm for December

I was in bed until after 8. Denny headed into get donuts with Grands. I worked on pictures in the blog. I miss going to church. Denny stayed with kids after church so Missy could help with program practice. I am almost caught up on pictures on the blog. I finished wrapping presents. Denny came home and cleaned and did the vacuuming. Pictures from the wedding photographer:

Saturday, December 20, 2014


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MATT & BECKY!!!!! Helping get ready HO! HO! HO! Denny did not sleep in until 10 like he had planned. We went up to the attic to get stockings. Everything is arranged on the bed, ready to fill. We went to IG to get lighter fluid for the wood burning stove and etc. Missy is busy baking for the holidays. We put stocking stuff in them. Denny fixed the threshold between garage & hallway and kitchen & sunroom. Most of the gifts have arrived and are ready to wrap. Pictures from wedding photographer: Ceremony