Thursday, December 18, 2014


Denny had lenders meeting and so was up early. I kept busy all morning, but it doesn't look like I got very much accomplished. I could not figure how to copy and paste some card? /notes that I was making for Resource room ladies. Denny came home about 12 and we left for SC. We stopped at best buy and Staples. Dr appointment at 3:30. We talked and I answered her questions. It seems like everything is normal in the healing process. My next appointment is January 26 at 10:00. I can drive now, but need to heal and rest. She said a warm climate would be good. We went to Hyvee. Then I met homeschool family while Denny got the rest of the groceries. We stopped at Target, I stayed in the car some of the next three places he went. We got to IG about 10 and worked at school for a while. Lord, Help as this semester ends and the next one begins. Full day and I am tired. Glad to get a normal checkup talk. I just need to expect some pain and really not do anything that could harm the healing. Joey had his surgery this afternoon. Diane texted and said the Doctor said the 5 hour surgery went well. Keep him in your prayers. Pictures by wedding photographer: Umbrellas to break the heat before the Ceremony

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