Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last day of 2014

Up at 6.  Nancy got up earlier.  It started at 66 degrees this am.  Then rain and temperature lowering.  Played  board game Joker with the 6 of us.  Then Bruce went to the gym.  Keith wanted to golf.  I rode in the cart with him.  He was driving and we got lost and went from 4 to about hole 12.  After a hole we figured out mistake and got on the correct hole.  I was glad I took a quilt to wrap up in.  Nap when we got home.  Then to play chicken at Hendersons.  Kathy brought strawberry shortcake and ice creaam.  We ate supper at C&C wings with 2 for 1.  60 chicken wings.  Really good.  Newhouses and Hendersons are going to the dance.  I think I will just chill here.   Mileage 01/01/2015
Jeep 130104
Prius 195848
Pickup 136875
Hd 52402. 
 Pictures from Dubuque: 

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