Saturday, December 6, 2014

Newhouse family get together

I went down to the chairs on second floor with the grands when they woke up. We shared some cereal with Erin and Everett that were up early. Missy took A&B down to waterpark. Denny and I ate breakfast with Jane Newhouse and family. At 11 lunch was served in the Room we had rented from 8 am until 11 pm. We broke the piniata about noon. Santa and elf came for children's stockings. I didin't get any pictures of it. The best thing happened when last pinata hitting. Evan could only stand on one foot and so Gavin and Abby only stood on one foot as they swung. I saat by Betsy during the grab bag steal away gift exchange. Nice to visit and talk with her. Afterward some went swimming. I hung out in rented room. We ordered pizza for supper. Jensens went to bed pretty early, We went to casino with Luke, Karen, Mandy and Jason for a while then we went back to motel and watched Heartland before falling asleep. Pictures from Dubuque:

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