Monday, December 15, 2014

Sunday December 14

Thankful to be alive. Such a full day I did't even get this posted. Denny left to get donuts before church. After church there was a congregational meal and annual business meeting. Denny brought home ham and fresh veggies for me. I spent the day getting Christmas letters printed and in envelopes. Then went out to the bunk house ans looked around. It is warm, like 50 degrees. Amazing. Denny went back to church to set up for the store. I had thought about Denny driving me to school to copy some IEPs and get them ready to sent out, but called Cathy and she said, "No way, they can take care of it." So home still. Just trying to rest, take my meds, and baths. I wrote too long of an email about one student's schedule. Lord, work it out. Denny made address labels and I found the stamps. We watched Heartland. Mandy is still sick with the flu. Pictures from wedding photographer:

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