Saturday, December 13, 2014

Awana store shopping

Denny left about 9 to shop at Dollar General with 3 grands, Amelia,and 2 Stangls. Came home with one stop shopping. I worked on putting dishes in the hutch and oak book case. Missy and Phillip spent the day shopping in Carroll. Amelia was their sitter and she was a good help shopping. Mandy was sick yesterday and left work early. Denny told her last night to take real coke for a real help with the flu. I also started printing our Christmas letters. Now, of course. the ink is about out. I have about 35 done and twice that many to go. It may shorten our list. Denny took all of the afternoon to mark items for the store. About 4 Sherry T. delivered beautiful flowers to me from the resource room ladies. So pretty. I would like to eat pizza tonight, but Denny has cleaning out the garage before heading to town. That is a good project. Keelie really makes it stink. I have not been able to get her out when I have gone to work the last 4 weeks. She likes it in the garage. Phew!!! Going down to the basement apartment smells just like dog urine. YUCK!! I think it is great to have Denny clean it out. I got tickets to head to Brownsville. Matt and Becky can drive me to KC. Pictures from wedding photographer:

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