Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Up at 3:30.   Shower and leave by 4:30.  That was about the right time, Luckily the weather was great for driving.  Not slippery or icy or foggy.  Getting ready for surgery took the whole hour and a half.  Headed to surgery at 7:30.  Dr. Hunt met with Denny after she was done and I went to recovery.  I didn't see her at all.  She said everything went okay.  I spent the whole day in and out of sleep with the morphine.   We watched one episode of Heartland.  Denny went down in the afternoon and got some food at the cafeteria.  Mandy came about 8 and Denny went home.  She is going to sleep on the  hard sofa in my room. So good to have her here. Pictures from Dubuque:

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