Monday, December 29, 2014

A day with Missouri Johnsons mojo

In bed until 7.  Kane is looking forward to putting together the tool bench.  He asks his dad about putting it together every 5 minutes.  I read a couple of chapters of Boxcar Children to Torren.  I went out and walked with Becky and Haley as they walked the horses.  About 1 we went to Savannah to fix the door on the van.  Then to eat at Chili's in St Joe. and to Best Buy to get a cover for my phone.  At home we took naps.  Becky fixed tator tot casserole for us and Matt and Becky went to town.  We watched Heart Land.  Nice night.  Denny went to see Dr. Veltri about his sore knee.  He got a prescription for pretisone and will try physical therapy before getting an MRI in a couple weeks.

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