Thursday, December 11, 2014

OA Elementary Christmas concert I didn't get to go :(

Mostly I just lay around today.  I started a Christmas letter and the timeline of Mandy and Jason's friendship. I found in my blog that they had gone to a benefit September 18, 2010.  It was on the way there that Mandy had called me and I told her that Jason Cook's mom was my sorority sister.  I think it is funny that I documented it in my blog.  But then again, I have no life.   Denny had again fixed me a ham sandwich for lunch.  About 1:30 Susan, Ginny, Laura, Rita, Sharon and Marie came to visit.  I just lay on the sunroom sofa and listened to their talk.  Kathy L. Emailed me and said she printed the certificate of completion of my coursework from yesterday and put it in my school file.  Made my day.   About 5 Missy and the kids came to get ready for the concert.   I think she knew I needed some company.  After they left, Denny left for the concert, too. He brought video clips for me to enjoy when he came home.  I spent the night reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult.  Tasha had given me the book about a week ago.  Its reading should keep me busy tomorrow.  Wish I wasn't so sore. Pictures of flowers from resource room ladies. So pretty.

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