Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Didn't sleep the best last night.  Can you believe it?  I started to do Child and Dependent Adult Abuse training at 9:15 this am and just got done now at 11.  Of course, I would fall asleep listening and then go take a nap.  Plus, Missy got after me for doing it while on all the pain medication I can take.  I am taking 2 tablets of percolat every 4 hours.   In retrospect, it probably didn't help my comprehension. No wonder it took so long and was so frustrating to do.  Basically, I just moved from the chair, to the bed, to the sofa, to the sunroom, back to the bed, etc.  Trying to find the most comfortable place.  And no, there was no comfortable place.  Denny had made me a ham sandwich for lunch before he went to work.  Missy volunteered to make me eggs for supper, but I had already made cream of mushroom soup for supper.  Actually, I really like cream of mushroom soup.   Denny went to Awana after work.  Missy stopped over after HS youth group to see how I was getting along.  Mandy called to check on me.  I got a card from the Missouri Johnsons.   Last night Denny got me some juice that took effect this am.  Should be happy about that.  Now I should get to bed.  2 IEPs got validated and are ready for printing tomorrow.  I sure am thankful for pain killers.  This last time I went about 5 hours and it took a little longer for it to be effective and for me not to have pain.   That's how I learn.  I have  so much to be thankful for. Missy said the Fertig place has been flattened.  I will miss the school's elementary concert tomorrow night.  Denny will go to cheer them on.  The Thrasher guy came Tuesday, I believe.  Mandy and Jason were going to a lawyers Christmas meal/get together tonight. Pictures of Jason and Evan with the parachute they won at game place.

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