Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday at home

Snowy day Lazy Day Denny went up to the unit to get a picture of the generator. Lord, if it be your will may it sell fairly. I read the book Holes by Louis Sachar. 2 students are reading it at school. I started the movie. Denny and I were home all day. Missy came over and printed off a couple of pictures and got doll furniture out of the garage attic. The snow was beautiful coming down and it was pretty at night from the sunroom with the deck light.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Home school visit

Denny left for work and I finished reading my one a day.  I tried to straighten out papers for school, but was not very successful.  About 10 I went over to Rachel's to pick up book that a student could use for homeschool until April when he is starting some type of program in Carroll.   I called Brenda and  she invited me for lunch.  Great to visit with her.   She gave me a CD of a song that Maryann L. said was a great song the morning that they came over for coffee in the garden.  (long run on sentence)  We have this moment to hold in our hands, by the Gaither band.  I had forgotten that memory.  Such a sweetie Maryann is.   We stood by her car and she shared about how quickly time passes.  And such a sweetie Brenda is.   It was fun to see all the things the family has been up to.  Painting, Quilts,  At home I napped.  At 4:30 the student was home and so I drove to Boyer to see them.   He took a few books to work on.  I headed to IG to work at the school.  Denny came home after work and when I got home, he was watching Heartland.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

At home ... resting

Worked all morning and didn't really accomplish much. Went through material gotten yesterday concerning Writing class. Wish I had clearer direction and was more decisive. Are sweet potato for lunch. Spent afternoon with Brooks here. Principal called about the possibility of home school help for a student. I started the grill at 5. Jensens joined us for supper. Kids made hot dog in a biscuit. We had grilled potatoes/ onions and marinated pork chops. Haircut. Pictures frm 2006

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Left Arthur at 8 to travel to Iowa Lakes Community College.  Arrived at 9:45 after stopping at Pizza Ranch to make sure they had a buffet tonight.  Drove past Lauren's apartment.  Then ti ILCC and visited with Lauren and Jen.  Stopped to get writing input from Laurie.    Lauren walked with me to eating hall.  I fell down and scraped my lip, nose and chin.  UffTa  So clumsy.  Sat in one of Lauren's classes.  Sat in one of Jenn's classes.  I knew I needed to lie down, so I stopped at a consignment store.  Mainstreet Memory Mall It just happened that the owner Laurie grew up with Becky R.  She showed me a place to lie down and gave me a quilt for comfort.  I relaxed for almost 1 1/2 hours.  I really needed to lie flat on my back.  Before I left I gave her some cinnamon rolls.  I had put together care packages for Lauren, Jenn, Christian, and Deanna and had not given the rolls to the ILCC staff.  Laurie really appreciated the rolls and I appreciated a place to lie down.  Christian was willing to eat pizza with us.  I invited his roommate Brandon so Chris would not be the only guy.  Jenn's g'ma was not doing well health wise.  She talked to her mom and I told Jen I would be happy to give her a ride home.  We left at 7 and met Dawn at 8:45 at the Arthur Bank.  Really a nice day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Home alone

Denny left for work.  I put away clothes in my suitcase. Looked at school lesson plans.  Tried on slacks/ dress pants for school, got care packages ready for SAVE students, Made frosting, looked through mail, walked 2 miles, took a bath, put suitcase in the bunk house, called for a dentist appointment,  wrote emails about SAVE visit, answered texts from Lauren, called for an IPERS appointment.  At 4  - 6 Marcie from Physicians Mutual came and talked about Medicare for Denny. I fixed biscuits and gravy for supper.  An episode of Heartland.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Met Mandy at Holstein.  So great to have her go along.  We stopped at Goodwill, then went to my appointment.  It was a good report.  She said that I am healing about the way I should be healing.  It just takes time- She said support looked good, and my pain is normal ...  as the stitches dissolve.  She cauterized some area to help the sutures heal.   I should be able to teach full time on Feb. 9th. I left Mandy at a store while I had  a quick visit with a home school family.  Then we shopped again. We had a hard time finding some black yoga capri pants for Anabel.  Mandy got a couple sports jackets for Brooks and a couple shirts for Evan.  I mainly looked.  At 1:30 I had a root canal done.  It was 6 months ago I had seen them last and so they had to take another x-ray.  Wow for the sounds!  I really don't like drilling, and it went on a long time. I need a check up appointment because the xrays showed one root being shorter that the other root and his microscope showed the pulp going out the side of the root.  It was after 2:30 when we headed back to Holstein.  Mandy had to go to work at 6 and so she napped on the way home.  I headed home to lie down.  Grandma Laurie went to gymnastics with Anabel.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Home Sweet Home

Matt's pancakes at 7.  Kids loved the Mexican gum I got for them. (Parents pretty good sports ... the sugar chewing won't last very long, because the gum doesn't keep its flavor for very long.  That's a plus point.)    Church at 8:30.  First time going since my surgery.  It was good to be in Green Valley's new sanctuary.  Haley is going to be baptised next week in the new sanctuary.   Good service about watching our tongue ... what we say ...  convicting.   Lots of standing, then sitting.  After church,  we played memory, Candyland, piano, and the numbers game.  Sandwiches and salad for lunch.   Left for home about 1.  Got home about 5.   Watched a couple Heartlands on the way home.  At home I walked around the yard. Looks good.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Headed up north

Up early to see Jean off on her 6 o'clock flight.  I put together the accommodations for Iowa Assessments and sent off to Donna, Lynzie, and Cathy.  G&B took me to the airport about 8:30, but there was no one to check my bags at that time.  A guy who missed the 6 am flight called me when the check in was manned.  That was so nice. B&I took the 2 check in bags so I could just be let off for the 1 pm flight.  No problems as I flew.  I was sore as I waited for the flight to KC so I lay on the floor and watched Heartland.  For about 2 hours.  Denny and Matt were there to meet me at the airport.  We got home and I rode with Becky to get Haley at a friend's birthday party.    Matt and Becky are doing well on their challange.  We visited until about 11.  So nice.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Last full day in Texas

Slow to get up.  Everyone was.  Finished book from Gloria.  N&J went to choir practice and visit with Jean's friend. Barb.  I ate leftovers with G&B.  Then a quick run to Wal Mart.  Home to find my writing book and rest.  J&N got pizza for supper. Gail and I went looking for a bed for their extra room.  About 5 we sat out in the sun, sheltered from the wind by Hendersons trailer.  It was beautiful and so nice to spend the last 6 days with my sisters  BGJ&N went to play bridge.  After bridge GB&I went to the hot tub.  I must have stayed in too long or something.  I was really light headed and dizzy when I got back to the trailer.  Scary.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hunting Valentines with Jack

Slow am. It started out mild today, but as the afternoon went by it got windier and colder.   We went to Hendersons for pancakes in am.  Then we just hung out, played Joker, and read.  I made some vegetables on my new grill sheet.  They turned out okay.  Started sweet potatoes in crock pot.  At 11:45 the rest went to play bridge.  Gloria came down and I showed her my blog pictures.  Jack and I left for CVS about 2, we got a valentine for Gloria.  Then we went to popeii for icecream.  I stopped by Sylvia's on the way home.  Nice visit.  She gave me her doll from Germany that Mandy loved when she was in Teas when Mandy was 1.  What a pretty doll.  I can't believe that she gave it to me.  We girls went out for Mexican.  It took a while to find a place., but the food was great.  At the trailer, the others went to play bridge, I read and watched Netflix.  Denny and I talked,  The man came to do the stairway to the basement.  The picture looks great.  We got a bird book from Jane in the mail.   Too cold for hot tub.  Another great day in the Valley. Pictures from the day

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

To Donna and Progresso

Read in bed until almost 8.  Drove up the valley about 9.  Got some shirts at Donna.  Ate at Fat Daddy's.  In Progresso I bought vanilla and read in the car.   Drove by Popeii Ice cream on the way home.  Rested before we had a chef salad for supper.  Hendersons came and played table games.  Gail, Bruce and I went to the hot pad.  Nice phone call from Missy and   Denny.  Visit at the bank this am.  Keep praying for God's will to be done.  
Basement stairway floor done at home on January 22

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Boca Chica

Weather here is foggy
Brownsville: Present 50 high 79 Low59
Ida Grove: Present 31 High 41  Low 29
Headed to Boca Chica beach with Jack about 10.  It was a pretty wide open beach.  We sat on chairs and watched the waves come in for about an hour.  Next was lunch on the deck with Gloria and Jack.
After naps and reading we went to a thrift store.  Then another nap and I talked to Lorraine on the phone.  There was a birthday party for 3 in the park with a meal and dance.  At home I talked to Denny and Missy and watched the State of the Union address.    It has been a beautiful day.
Pictures of the beach and lunch on the deck.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Four sisters together

Brownsville: Present 53  High 73  Low 54
Ida Grove:    Present 29  High 47  Low 29
6 weeks since surgery, Not healed yet.  Lord, please help my body heal.  I am concerned about if I will be able to go back to work and the few sick days I have left on my contract.
     We went to Gail and Bruce's for waffles this am.  I hung out at home. Denny and Mandy went to SC to fit Denny  for a knee brace. About 9:30 we went to Wal-mart.  Gail and Sarah had pedicures, Jean got a hair cut.  We had a lunch of leftovers.  Most went to play shuffleboard.  I napped and watched Netflicks.  About 3 the weather was beautiful,  Jean and I went for a walk and visited Lamey's.  Then it was so beautiful we sat out on the dock.  A phone call fro Denny and potluck at 6.  I stayed at the game room and worked with another person on a jigsaw puzzle.  Home for Heartland and bath.  Hendersons went to the island for the afternoon and supper.  Denny worked on rrepairs at home.  He sent lots of pictures. Such a great day in the Valley.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Jean on her way

Brownsville: Present 55  High 69   Low 54
Ida Grove:     Present 28  High 43   Low 24
6:10 am    Jean texted that she was on her way... Boarding the airplane.  Good news.  The rest left for church at Port Isabelle.  I listened to some Daily Bread out on the deck. Grands called while they were on their way to donuts.  We picked up Jean at the airport about 12:15.  In the afternoon the gals went to South Padre for a market at the convention center.   I napped at enjoyed the nice weather.  Then I went to visit Sylvia B. Denny and I facebooked and I saw all the things he has been fixing and working on.   Nancy fixed homemade ice cream and Shrimp boil for supper.  It was great! We ate out on the deck.  A beautiful night.  I called Lauren K. and talked to her tonight.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday in the Park (4 Seasons)

Up at 4 and lie quietly until 7.  Nancy and Gail went down to the community room.  I stopped there before going to WalMark.  I needed more Iprofen and Tylenol. Nice morning , sunny and warm.  I work on the computer out on the sunny deck.  About 1 Dave and Sarah got here on the plane.  We ate lunch with them.  Beth B. texted.  Plan to talk to her later today.  Nap and video in the afternoon.  Then to Henderson to play Joker.  Home for leftovers.  Denny had Awana meeting.  Nice phone calls with Grands.  Nice phone call with Denny.  Cooks have a dog naming contest going on.
Pictures:Brooks and Kane at Hirshmans

Friday, January 16, 2015

Jane to head back north

Brownsville: Present 44    High 63   Low 49
Ida Grove:    Present  32   High 42   Low 28
Hung out at the trailer until about 9 when we left to take Nancy to choir practice.  I dropped Jane off to se the USS Constellation come into the Port of Brownsville. She was pretty tickled to see it close to where she was. I went to the market in the convention center.  After picking up Nancy we made a quick stop at the grocery store, then home.  Hendersons to Jane to Harlengen.  We rested and napped.  Gail and Nancy set up tables for the park garage sale. I had a couple of nice phone calls with Mandy as she drove to and from getting her billfold from Denny.  When we left the community center,  I took Jack on a ride in his golf cart to Audry's and back to our resaca view.  On the way home I stopped to talk to Sylvia.  Gail, Bruce and Nancy went to play Bridge.  I have been pretty sore today.
Pictures of sunny Four Seasons pool, Jack and our cart ride, Jack, 95 (one of my dad's best friends) and Sylvia, 96 (my neighbor)  who are the two oldest members of Four Seasons,  r />

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Another chilly, drizzly day

Brownsville:  Present 43 high 53 low 41
Ida Grove: Present 21 High 35 Low 18

Denny was headed to Arthur early before meetings in IG.  I didn't do much all am.  Watched some TV.   Worked on some school work.  We had leftovers for lunch.  At noon Gail, Bruce and Nancy played bridge at another park.  About 3 the gray clouds changed and Jane and I decided to go out for a walk.  Before we left we saw birds across the resaca.  We stopped at Gloria's to visit.  For Jane's last night she wanted grilled chicken marinated in Italian dressing, veggies grilled in foil.  We fixed salad and amaretto pie.  Jane cooked the food.   That didn't seem quite right, but it sure was good. Some went up to play Jokers, Nancy and I stayed here and hung out.  Pictures of the bird watcher and Lameys.  Nice phone call from Missy tonight on here way home from school.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Noon luncheon

Brownsville;  7:30 - 44 high 49    low 43
Ida Grove:      7:30-19   high 24   low 10

Awoke pretty sore, so I didn't do much this am.  Worked on the computer.  At 11 we went to a restaurant with 40 ladies from the park for a luncheon.  Home for a nap.  Leftovers for supper and Nancy, Jane and I watched a movie.  Visited with Beth B. for a while.  Denny called on the way home from Awana.  He took 2 tramidole to help him with pain of walking steps, etc on Wed. night.  Pictures of We 3 out for lunch.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Emilia's at supper

Brownsville: Present  45     High 48     Low 45    drizzle
Ida Grove:    Present -12     High 16     Low 12     wind chill feels like -26

Denny left early for work.  Cold weather in Iowa.  I am feeling better than yesterday.  Spent the am at the trailer.  I looked up info on a scholarship and made cowboy caviar.  About 2 we went to the Island, Jane to go to the bird watching center.  Gail and I went to thrift stores.  Then home to rest.  At 5, we went to eat Mexican.  It was great food.  Gail and Bruce had several couples over to play Jokers at 7.  Pictures from Christmas.

Monday, January 12, 2015

MRI results

Brownsville:  Present  44  High 65  Low 50
Ida Grove:      Present 8     High 16  Low -15

Up too early.  Didn't sleep well.  Denny had a doctor appointment.  Tried a shot and brace.  Then ??   I ordered a book from Amazon to be sent to Brownsville.  And got an email and will get a book to review at home.  I called a nurse to ask her a question. Mostly I just laid around and watched shows. Hotel Rowanda (so sad) and The Book Thief.  Nancy made Mexican crockpot meal for a potluck.  Pictures from the beach and the deck yesterday.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Island and Flea market 77

Slept until 7.  Off to take others to church.  I got a latte and went to the  beach.  After church we ate a Pelican's.  Pretty view, good food, good price.  Jane and I went to 77,  Ohhh, it was muddy, but we made it through.  Then to western shop where Jane got cute cowboy boots.   Home for a nap.  Still sore. About 4 Jane told us the sun was shining on the dock and so we went out there to enjoy the weather.  Bruce and Gail joined us for a while.  Jane had the binoculars out to watch the birds.  Picture from the dock.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy Birthday Mandy!!!!... or Miranda ... WE LOVE YOU!!

So thankful for you, Mandy.    You add so much joy to my life.

Brownsville:  Present 37    High 43   Low 38
Ida Grove:      Present 10    High 28   Low 8
37 degrees   rain, rain, rain,  heavy rain
Wow, it is really raining,  I'm not going to Flea Market 77 with all this rain.  Denny stayed the night and helped Jason put the grill together.   Mandy sent a picture of a new Christmas/birthday puppy only 4 days old.
Three of us gals in Bville watched TV/ DVD movies all afternoon.Love it or List it ... Nanny Mc Phee  7 kids who need a Nannie.  Fish Dinner at 5.  Walmart run after that.  Jane went to line dance.  Nancy and I stayed and sorted through stuff in the kitchen and got rid of some stuff.  Pictures of the puppy, the grill and the simplest watering system.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Another 2 hour late start

Good Morning
In Brownsville:  Present 44    High 55   Low43
In Ida Grove:      Present  2    High  5     Low -6     2 hour late start due to large snow drifts.  There is a wind chill advisory.
I stayed in bed until about 9.  I talked to Denny and Missy in the am.  Then I got ready and rode to the Port with Jane and Nancy.  At the island I got 4 orange glasses at a thrift store.  We ate Itailan - Great food for lunch.  At home I napped and worked on the computer.  We had leftovers for supper.  Denny headed to Cherokee after work to go out to supper  with Mandy and Jason.  Phillip is in St. Joe for a CNA conference.  Brooks went to Tori's after school and Missy was watching Johnson girls after school. Jane and I went over to play chicken with Hendersons about10.  Still sore, even after laying around in bed about 6 hours today.  Pictures of B'ville stepping stones that Keith put in place.  (very handy) and the Iowa deck and supper with the Cooks without me  chilly, wet  rainy night tonight.